Madha Movie Review and Rating, Hit or Flop Talk

Madha Movie Review Rating

Madha movie cast includes Trishna Mukherjee and Venkat Rahul are in the lead roles. Music composed by Naresh Kumaran, the cinematography is done Abhiraj Nair. The movie produced by Indira Basawa under the Third Eye Productions banner. Madha Telugu Movie released on 13 March 2020. Madha is a thriller movie directed by Srividya Basawa. Let’s see Madha Movie Review and Rating, Story, Hit or Flop Talk.

Madha Movie Story: Nisha (Trishna Mukherjee) is an orphan who falls in love with Arjun (Rahul Venkat). But to her bad luck, Arjun cheats Nisha and frames her as a mentally ill person. Nisha is taken to an asylum and is treated badly with drug abuse. Who is doing this? What is their motive? Why have they targetted Nisha? and how does she escape from there is the whole story?


Madha Movie Review: Madha (Insanity Personified) is an intriguing psychological thriller pulled off with the help of sharp crescendos and low-lights, which impressively work in creating the kind of atmosphere debutant Sri Vidya Basawa aims for. Putting aside the fact that the film is bogged down by slow-paced introductions and a not-so-gripping climax, Madha works for the most part and is a modest thriller.

The Madha is a technically strong film, coupled with a gripping story that keeps things interesting. But the love story between Arjun and Nisha is a huge let-down, never keeping the audience engaged enough. It’s only when the film manages to cross past that and get to the story that things get interesting. The climax and end again are a disappointment.

Madha Movie Verdict: OverAll, Madha Film is a unique and dark thriller with an interesting premise. This is one gripping thriller that’s worth a watch!

Madha Movie Rating: 3/5.

Madha Movie Rating
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madha-movie-reviewMadha movie cast includes Trishna Mukherjee and Venkat Rahul are in the lead roles. Music composed by Naresh Kumaran, the cinematography is done Abhiraj Nair.